My First Tuddl Team

Inviting your first team to join Tuddl

Adrian Preston

Last Update 2 年前

You're probably itching to start inviting people to the Tuddl platform! But wait - we've made it really easy for you.

Every team in Tuddl needs a team leader. It's worth checking out our Roles in Tuddl help page to get a full understanding of the difference between the roles.  If you're logged into the portal, you're the Tuddl Pro - but you can also be a team leader!

We have already created a team for you (or even multiple teams). Go to the Teams page and take a look :

We're going to start out with your first team. 

At this point, you have a decision to make : Are you going to be the team leader of your first team, or is someone else?

First, let's take a look if it's you.

1. Make yourself leader of the team. To do this, simply go to Users page, and 'Edit' your user (you). Now select the team from the Team dropdown, click the 'Team Leader' checkbox, and click 'Save'.

That's it! Now go ahead and download the Tuddl app from the iOS/Android store. When you launch the app, login with the same username and password you used to register with Tuddl, and then the app will guide you through the process of onboarding your team. You invite all the other team members with their emails, change the team name, and set the frequency of the Checkins and Votes for the team in the app.

And you are done! All the team members you invited will receive an email inviting them to the Tuddl app.

OK, now if it's someone else:

So you want to invite another user into Tuddl to be team leader (for now, you're going to just be the Tuddl Pro).

1. Create a new user in the platform. Here's a handy quick guide on how to do that: Creating a new User in Tuddl.

2. Make sure you click the Generate OTP button to generate them a secure password.

3. Select the team and check the Team Owner checkbox. Also make sure you click the mobile app only checkbox (otherwise they'll be able to access the admin platform).

4. Click the 'Create and Send Invite' button.

From this point, the new Team Owner will get an invite to the Tuddl platform, log in and invite all their team members.

That's your first team set-up. Now go ahead and invite more team leaders

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